Monday, February 7, 2011


Barbados is a lovely island. It has a Caribbean feel with some British charm and lots of interesting scenery. It has some unique animals as well. Below is a picture of my brother with a Green Monkey as they both watch the other animals eat. Besides monkeys, Barbados had strange deer and a creature that looked like a cross between a rabbit and a capybara.
As I am a seafood lover, I was very pleased with the local cuisine. Guys cooking outdoors on a surface with very large flames didn't hurt either. I didn't manage to catch a flare-up in this shot, though :(
Barbados is one of the most picturesque places I've ever been. And when you factor in that it is the birthplace of rum, it's one of the most perfect places to just chill on the beach.
Below is probably my favorite sign I have ever managed to capture on photograph. Admittedly I know next to nothing about cricket, but comparing a woman's private parts to a wicket is something new and frankly hilarious.

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