Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm back! We'll see how long it lasts

So it has been over a year since I posted on this blog. Ooops. Although I am no longer in Guatemala and back in my native Minnesota, I would still like to share some of the amazing things I saw in Latin America. This first post back is a sampling of Tikal, the famous Mayan site in northern Guatemala. Tikal was an amazing place full of mystical stone temples and friendly critters. My one experience in splurging for a tour guide, which was totally worth it, and necessary due to the jungle surrounding all of the structures. I trust my navigational skills, but that doesn't mean I have to be foolhardy.

A view from Temple IV, where some scenes from Star Wars were shot

A very curious coatimundi, who had just licked up somebody's spilled water on the bench.

A spider monkey uses his tail to hang as he picks fruits out of the trees.

Me in front of the famous 'Jaguar Temple'

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