Thursday, January 6, 2011

Las Islas Flotantes

After visiting Arequipa, I took the bus to Puno, a fairly small city in the altiplano of Peru. Its elevation is nearly 12,500 feet! Puno is a destination due to the fact that it is a main port on Lake Titicaca, which is the highest navigable waterway in the world. Here are the flags of Peru (in red) and the city of Puno (blue).
A trip to Puno isn't complete without a trip out to the islas flotantes, floating islands constructed by the indigenous people constructed entirely out of the totoro reeds and a few eucalyptus sticks.
The women of the islands all come out to greet you as the boat comes in. Most islands have only a few family groups, but there are larger ones that have a school and public use buildings.
The reeds are one of the only resources available to these people. In addition to using it for construction purposes, they also eat it! It doesn't have much taste, just sort of spongy. Luckily they also have fish and birds.
I got to ride on one of these cool boats too!

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