Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cat update and New Accomodations

First an update on the cat I mentioned in the last blog post. As soon as he was returned to the 'wild' the cat decided he wanted to be part of the family. He now roams the open areas of the house looking for people to rub up against and trying to trick them into allowing him into private rooms. It is kind of nice in some respects, I do miss my cats (and Megynn's!) from back home. And it is much more friendly than the family dog, which seems to have taken an extreme dislike to me.

I will not be enjoying these animals for long, though, as my accommodations will shortly be changing. Yes, I am striking out on my own, or something of the sort. I'll be within a block or two of the school, which is a big relief. Especially since they are about to actually start enforcing the dress code for teachers again in the Oxford classes. I'll need to be able to change after working with the kids.

I'll make an attempt to upload my pictures tonight and follow up with a more colorful post.

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