Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Month's Reflection

As of yesterday I've been here in Guatemala for one month. It hardly seems that long, especially since I don't have a place of my own yet. Although I truly do love living and working here, I figure a little nostalgia is in order. So, without further ado, I present the following lists:

Things Guatemala doesn't have that I wish it did
water heaters, pipes wide enough to carry toilet paper, safe drinking water from the tap, automobile emissions standards, published bus routes and timetables, ovens!(so far I haven't seen one that has worked, only the range top), movie showings beginning after 6 pm, mac computer parts stores, places where a woman can go without getting hit on, public trash cans

Things Guatemala has that I wish it didn't
cockroaches in my personal space (most the standard inch or so, but I saw one about 4 inches long), bedbugs (? not sure about this one, but I have my suspicions), air quality that seems determined to give me a black lung, many delightful food-related diseases that make it imprudent for me to test the delicious-looking street food

I have had a great month here in spite of this. I'll post again soon about some more positive aspects, but I've got a class in 15 min.

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