Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pest Control 101

There aren't exactly many precautions or active methods taken to control pests in Guatemala. Cockroaches, millipedes, bugs of all sorts, they just seem to have a live and let live policy most of the time. The exception to this seems to be mice. When a mouse is found in school, there is a huge stir as all the workers arm themselves with brooms and go for the kill. Recently my host mother found mice in the oven (which is not used for cooking but storage). Her response? She went out back and trapped one of the wild cats that hang out behind the house, brought it inside, and stuck it in a cupboard. This cat is extremely confused and very unhappy. It meows incessantly if we open the cupboard door. Hopefully it will scare the bejesus out of those mice soon so we can put it back where it belongs.

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