Friday, July 10, 2009

Here Comes the Rain

Rainy season has officially arrived in Cobán. After a day and a half of perfectly sunny weather when I arrived, the last few days have pretty much followed this pattern: Start out beautifully or with a few sprinkles, cloud up at noon, downpour at 12:30 (right when I get off work), clear up a bit at 2, start raining again at 3:30 and rain throughout the entire night. As a note, my room is also directly under a tin roof. Good thing I'm a sound sleeper!

Today I had my first experience recharging my cellphone minutes, because it was a 'Claro triple saldo', which means I get 3x as many minutes as I pay for. I walked into the store (it sold various knickknacks and clothing; there are almost no dedicated cell service stores), gave my number to the lady, and put my 100Q bill on the counter. The lady punched in the info and sent me a text message, so now I apparently have minutes to use. At least that is what the text message tells me. Bizzare.

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