Friday, July 17, 2009

The Teacher Becomes the Student Becomes the Teacher

So, while my primary function here in Guatemala is to teach, I am also supposed to be learning. The family I am staying with for the moment is very nice about this and doesn't berate me too badly for my odd phrasing and less than perfect pronunciation. However, there is a new arrival in the household. His name is Jordan, he's from California, and he knows probably a few less than 20 words in Spanish. This of course means a new role for me: that of go-between. I'm not saying I'm a translator; he's here to learn, it wouldn't be fair of me to give him the chance to avoid Spanish. But I have to correct any misunderstandings, cultural or otherwise. It should be interesting.

Today a birthday party was celebrated in the school. It took up over half of the day. There were 2 enormous piƱatas, cupcakes and sweets of all shapes and sizes, individually handcrafted boxed lunches, oodles of party favors, and a plethora of balloons. For a child's birthday party that he slept through half of. Remember, I'm working at a school where everyone is the rich kid. It was quite an event. And nobody went away empty-handed :) I got my hands on a pretty nice Cars-themed coin bank.

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