Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I've Arrived

So, at long last I am here in Guatemala. Internet access is still a bit questionable, so these first few updates may be a bit irregular, and there probably won't be pictures for a while.

I've spent the past two days meeting the other teachers, observing classes, and trying to get into the flow of the school. Most of the kids still have no idea why I'm here, so I'm sure Monday will be a blast explaining to them that I am their new English teacher. The format for their classes entirely games and songs, so I'm racking my brain for anything I did along those lines when I was a child. They are very sweet kids and mostly cooperative from what I've seen so far.

I will likely have at least one other class outside of the primary school in which I use more traditional teaching methods and materials. I'll know more after I sit in on that class later this afternoon.

My umbrella has already come in handy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I really do get to live in one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited.

More updates will be coming soon, hopefully with some pictures as well.

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